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Combining DMC and Anchor Floss
Sun, Nov 19, 2017 4:55 AM
Posted by Paul
There are several colors of floss that do not cross over between DMC and Anchor. Is there a master list that combines both floss sets to create a color palate that is larger than what is available from each company? I hope this question makes sense.
  • Reply from Paul
    Wednesday, November 22, 2017 11:01 AM
    Yes, your question makes sense. However, I do not believe such a list has been made. You could also put Sullivan's floss in that group as well and really have a large color pallet. Go to top
  • Reply from Pauley
    Monday, March 11, 2019 11:35 PM
    I have been searching Google for the same answer since I use PC Stitch and would love to expand my color palate. Someone out there must have the resources to do this master palate. Go to top