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How can I distribute 12 points around a (horizontal positioned) oval?
Thu, Apr 29, 2021 3:09 PM
Posted by Karen Noar
I have an actual problem to solve placement of 12 center points , in this case the center point is a donut . This crosstitch design measures 13” h. X 19” w. for an existing frame. Fabric is 14” per inch. Center of the top and bottom donuts (12 o’clock and 6 o’clock) are 62 stitches from center of oval. Donuts 9 o’clock snd 3 o’clock are 111 stitches from center of oval. Question: where is center for remaining 8 donuts equidistance from edge of oval and spaced apart equally?
  • Reply from Anita's Husband
    Thursday, April 29, 2021 5:43 PM
    If I understand what you are asking, your stitched piece is 252 by 168 fitting into an oval frame. I simply used to lay it out using the sizes you stated for the existing points and then connected those with another oval. From there, I drew lines to the midpoints of the oval, and where they intersected, I created a rectangle. That allowed me to read the location directly from the diagram. I'm sure there is a mathematical way to calculate it but this was much less mental effort :-) Let me know if I've got something wrong. Oh, the other four points are located 72w and 47h from the center. Please double-check on the image linked below.

    (Anita's Husband) Go to top

  • Reply from Anita's Husband
    Friday, April 30, 2021 5:11 PM
    I corrected the calculations per your original request. I used math this time :-) The equations can be viewed here if interested:

    The points for the right upper side are diagramed here:

    Let me know if I got it right this time :-)
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