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Question regarding pale grey with Janlynn pattern.
Wed, Mar 27, 2019 9:25 AM
Posted by Lyn Nalett
I have this chart 80-10 Lord's Prayer. I am out of the color pale grey. The chart just gives me the name of the color, but not a number of any kind. I called Janlynn and asked them what the color numbers were. The person helping me had no idea. Can anyone help me convert this to a DMC color number?
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    Reply from Anita
    Wednesday, March 27, 2019 12:39 PM
    I looked through some old Janlynn kits I have. Some of these kits have pale grey as 762 and light grey as 415. I was surprised that the company couldn't help you more but maybe my suggestions will. Go to top
    • Reply from Lyn Nalett
      Wednesday, March 27, 2019 1:22 PM
      Thank you, Anita! That does help! Go to top