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Eileen Bennett Alphabet sampler ornaments pattern in cross stitch sampler winter 1994 magazine
Sat, Dec 9, 2023 4:50 PM
Posted by Vera-Ellen Turner
Has anyone completed this project? The symbols don’t match the DMC floss legend. I am using what I think matches the picture but I was wondering if anyone has seen the original pattern in a pamphlet or class with Eileen? The magazine article doesn’t explain how to finish the ornaments. Has anyone finished these ornaments? Any help would be appreciated. Eileen said she submitted the pattern instructions and the magazine changed her instructions taking them as their own. A professional finished the ornaments but no instructions were provided in the article. Thank you for looking.
Vera-Ellen Turner
Reply from Anita
Saturday, December 9, 2023 7:50 PM
Maybe you can contact Eileen via her Facebook page at the following link. I was unable to find any additional information for you.
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