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Looking for heart box from Better Homes & Garden cross stitch maagzine
Thu, Jan 26, 2023 10:33 PM
Posted by Tami
I have the 1995 Better Homes and garden cross stitch magazine that shows the stitched Valentine candy box on the cover. I am looking for the Heart box that you could purchase with the pattern. Shot in the dark I know from 1995. But ????. Also any info on the designer Jeff Julseth? I googled the name but did not really find anything. Thanks!
Reply from Anita
Sunday, January 29, 2023 4:34 AM
This pattern calls for an approximately 10" x 10" heart-shaped chocolate box. I would suggest you go to your local store and buy a filled box of chocolates this size since Valentine's Day is coming up soon. Or you could try to buy an empty box this size online. I was unable to find any additional information regarding Jeff Julseth.
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Reply from Nancy
Friday, February 10, 2023 8:08 AM
I suggest you look for a nice wooden heart shaped box. Then cover it with fabric.
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