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Anchor to DMC chart
Wed, Oct 7, 2020 10:41 AM
Posted by Shondratasha
The conversion chart for Anchor to DMC does not list Anchor #1 on the chart which is a white
Anchor Ecru is listed as corresponding to DMC B5200 which is incorrect Ecru is not a bright white
Anchor #1 is white = DMC white/blanc
Anchor #2 is Bright white = DMC B5200
  • Reply from Anita
    Wednesday, October 7, 2020 12:44 PM
    Thanks for pointing out that Anchor 1 was listed as Ecru - that has been fixed. As far as the actual conversion, I have a paper direct from Anchor that lists 1 as DMC B5200 and 2 as White. I also found other online sources that agree with that. Finally, I checked my actual Anchor color swatch card and the colors match the stated DMC colors.

    Anita Go to top