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Graph Paper with underlay
Thu, Feb 4, 2021 10:49 AM
Posted by Nancy
I have been attempting to insert a picture under the graph paper as instructed, but have been getting an error message from Adobe Acrobat. Is this feature no longer available?

Do you know of any other website that does something similar in a different fashion?

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks,


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    Reply from Anita's Husband
    Thursday, February 4, 2021 10:54 AM
    It is still functional. The serve was having "issues" with some antivirus software I just installed so perhaps that was the cause of the problems. Please try again and let me know what errors you are seeing.
    (Anita's Husband) Go to top
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      Reply from Nancy
      Tuesday, February 9, 2021 3:30 PM
      Hi Rick,
      It must be my computer then: I keep getting the following message from Adobe Acrobat: 'invalid plug-in detected. Adobe Acrobat Reader DC will quit' and then the grid is replaced by a grey square.

      However, I found my own work-around, superimposing a free grid over a jpg and printing it out.

      Thanks for trying. Nancy Go to top

      • Reply from Anita's Husband
        Tuesday, February 9, 2021 4:09 PM
        Glad you got a workaround. If you can tell me what browser and computer type (Windows, Mac) you are on, I can try to narrow down the issue. One post suggested that teh Babylon translator can cause this issue but that's probably a long shot.
        (Anita's HUsband) Go to top
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      Reply from Ramona
      Sunday, April 25, 2021 12:49 PM
      This function is not working for me either. It's just showing a blank canvas with a blue button that says "open". I'm using an LG6 mobile phone. Go to top
      • Reply from Anita's Husband
        Sunday, April 25, 2021 2:08 PM
        I never tried it on a phone. It looks like chrome's native PDF plugin is not working. I'll see if I can get it working on android but I'm not familiar with the platform.
        (Anita's Husband) Go to top
      • Reply from Anita's Husband
        Sunday, April 25, 2021 3:06 PM
        So, I did some research on this and unfortunately, the best I can do currently is to get the grid paper to work but you have to click the Open button. But I was unable to get the underlays working with the suggested approach. Maybe a future version of Chrome will support the option. I did get it working with Edge but the change I made to allow Chrome to work means it won't work on Microsoft Edge now.
        (Anita's Husband) Go to top