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Floss Conversion Calculator: Print friendly version defaults to Bucillia, even if a diffrent brand is selected
Sat, Sep 18, 2021 7:47 AM
Posted by Vidu
I've been using this great Floss Conversion tool which has saved me countless of hours (and headaches) by now!
Today I've used it to convert multiple colours at once (from DMC to Anchor) and wanted to save myself the trouble of writing it all down by hand, so I tried the "Printer friendly version", hoping I could just print the sheet. However for that version it defaults to converting DMC into Bucillia (even though Anchor was/is selected) - the normal broweser version converted everything into Anchor just fine, the colours match, no problem there!

Do I need to change a setting elsewhere? Or is the printer friendly version only available for certain brands?